
- 廣告宣傳:從報章雜誌、全國電視、在地有線電視、網路、廣播等完整廣宣,於展前一周曝光於各媒體。
- 網路行銷:使用Facebook、Google/Yahoo!關鍵字、展覽/展館官網、Meet Taiwan及EDM,發送展覽訊息。
- 專刊報導:結合旺旺中時媒體集團宣傳優勢,突顯展會訊息,發行工商時報生技綠能週刊,加強曝光產業市場訊息及展期發行大會導覽手冊,供民眾參考。
- 戶外媒體:展覽期間於臺南市區戶外電視牆或是電子看板露出及臺南高雄各主要幹道路口懸掛宣傳旗幟,營造展示氛圍。
- 策略聯盟:發文通知各地方政府、研發機構、學校單位、產業聯盟等,擴大參與層面,並與其進行合作,以海報及票券作為宣傳工具。
- 通路行銷:透過票券及海報通路發送邀請業界貿易、經銷、製造等廠商,以及院校、公協會、各大福委會…等,擴大宣傳效益,達到實質宣傳成效。
- 舞台活動:提供舞台供廠商使用,每日皆有活動舉辦,可吸引媒體及觀眾目光,並成為廠商成果發表最佳平台,邀請臺南市長及中央部會首長參加開幕儀式,廣邀媒體記者參與。
- 周邊活動:召開展前記者會,創造展覽話題。於展覽期間邀約參展廠商辦理產品技術發表會或研討會。辦理大會抽獎、贈品兌換等活動,吸引一般民眾參與。
About China Times Media Corporation & Commercial Times
China Times Media Corporation
Since founding in 1950, the group has experienced more than half a century of growth and development .China Times has developed from the original newspaper industry, to the magazine industry, and further on to the publishing industry, network industry, and more. In order to strengthen the comprehensive services to the social public in the information times, participation in the operating of CTI Television Company Ltd. And China Television Company Ltd., China Times has formally become a media group involving multi-functional operation and providing diversified services from the original newspaper industry group dominated by the print media.
Commercial Times
First published on December 1st, 1978, the《Commercial Times》initial readership was the financial community of Taiwan.《Commercial Times》soon established its image as the sober but reliable and useful business daily newspaper whole island wide. For 32 years of development, the Commercial Times already became to be an important reference media for government financial and economic policy, corporate business successes, and effective advertising.
《Commercial Times》has high subscription rate about 75% of total distribution including 46.5% come from corporate, 29% come from house, and 19% come from retail sales.Today, the distribution networks:《Commercial Times》has holding 1,423 dealers and 23,500 retailers island wide. Nearly ten persons in each company read Commercial Times.
《Commercial Times》obtained a readership of million people; Commercial Times is one of the important business press media and owns lots of readers in the entire nation. Almost one third of company directors and executives read the Commercial Times, which reaches more businessmen and investors than other daily newspaper.
Daily readership has grown over one million people, therefore the influence and results also multiplied exponentially. For subscribers, who resided in Mainland China, everyday we deliver the newspaper by airplane to many cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hong Kong.